8 June 2018

Robert Dijkgraaf, the Genius: one paper, many Nobel prizes

Robert Dijkgraaf, an important string theorist, is a real Genius. Not a simple one like Einstein, Maxwell, Heisenberg or Bohr. He is much more. Look at his new article:

The title says it all. There are no laws of physics. Please, believe him!
  1. Energy is not conserved.
  2. The speed of light is not a limit.
  3. Charge is not conserved.
  4. Gravity can be repulsive.
  5. Momentum is not conserved.
With statement 1, Dijkraaf has revolutionized the energy industry. Everybody will have energy at will from now on! Forget worrying about the oil prize! With statement 2, he has shown that Einstein was a fool. I met a few others that thought so, but most of them are locked up in institutions in the meantime. Forget these poor souls, Robert is much smarter than them! With statement 3, he avoids paying his electricity bill! With statement 4, he lets his roof float above his house! And with statement 5, he can reduce the speed of cars on the highway just by the power of his thoughts. No accidents any more! He is already saving many lives!

Lets start a twitter campaign! Hail the Genius! Not a small genius like the others you have read about until now. Robert truly is the Great Genius with a capital G! The next Nobel prizes in physics, economy and medicine should go to him!