6 May 2017

Standard model still true - how to find the theory of everything

The CERN results at the 2017 Moriond conference have shown again that the standard model is the true theory of nature. And the results have shown again that supersymmetry does not occur in nature. I have to care for children these days, so I can look at all this with some distance. I guess there are different types of researchers.

All those researchers who claimed that supersymmetry is a symmetry of nature or that strings theory is correct should take a deep breath. Do get those incorrect ideas out of your brain! And after you let fresh air into your brain, look around for or invent a theory of everything, or TOE, that has no supersymmetry.

All those researchers who never worked on a TOE due to the arrogance of string theorists should have a try now! The old guard was wrong - and it is tired. The old guard is unlikely to find a new candidate.

All those researchers who just make fun of string theorists should also take a decision: either stop making fun or do it better! We got the message that string theory is wrong. Look at Woit, Baez and others that have left doing research and started commenting research. Do research, don't talk about it!

To all researchers: Look at the bad examples! Look at Witten, Seiberg and Arkani-Hamed: three lives wasted producing hot air. Together, they achieved as much as Motl, Distler, Siegel or your favorite crackpot did: Nothing. Zero. 

Just think of it: the smartest physicists in Princeton, i.e., the smartest physicists on Earth, have been proven wrong! In other words, if you do not live or work in Princeton, you have a good chance to succeed. To find the theory of everything, go as far away from Princeton as you can. Avoid white males, avoid religious people. Go at least to Africa, stay far away from any internet connection, and search for women doing research.


  1. Hey, I just came across this blog and like this particular post very much. Say it like it is... I only disagree about people who should do research instead of criticizing: *No* for people who do it really well (like the ones you mention). Their presence is one of the most important tools we need in this bullshit-dominated field. (And before I get misunderstood, yes, one can't call bullshit on a field that has produced the standard model, one of humankind's crowning achievements; but what I mean should be pretty obvious.)

    1. My exchanges with Woit and Baez showed me that they are stuck in defensive roles (because they are being attacked by many in an unfair way) that they have lost the lightness of being that they had in their youth.

  2. Even accepting that the supersymmetry would naturally break at energies near the LHC : 1. The parameter space has not been exhausted 2. Another power of 2 in energy may reveal it 3. The trigger and data sieving may need further work 4. The data itself needs further scrutiny 5. Well there is not really anything except our demand for beauty and naturalness that calls for supersymmetry to appear at accessible energies 6. Supersymmetry is called for by most maths the creation of a consistent string theory but it is not fundamental. 7. A dynamic mechanism like strings is needed and has not been falsified

    1. Bar, you are entitled to your opinion. However, points 1 to 5 are repeated since decades. Points 6 is irrelevant and point 7 is unclear.
