7 June 2019

More Spaghetti

My friend Olga told me that the spaghetti model has now appeared in print in a Russian physics journal, at https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1063779619030055 ; the cheaper preprint is at Schiller's site http://www.motionmountain.net/research.html. Oh, and there are some more preprints as well.

I've not followed the spaghetti model for some time. It seems that the main ideas are still the same. Just some tangles have changed. Schiller's style is still more intuitive than exact. But even after all this time, spaghetti still taste well. It reminds me about my younger years. I still like those crazy ideas.

The central idea is still hat nature is a pot of boiling spaghetti. Particles are tangles of spaghetti. The noodles are special, though: they have no ends, cannot tear and they are really thin: their radius is the Planck length. It's more a spaghettini model, less a spaghetti model. In the preprints, I like the recurring sentence after the many predictions that are made: "If a deviation is observed, the strand conjecture is falsified."