19 October 2017

Why women will need time - but less than sheep

One of my memes is that the theory of everything will be found by a woman. But it will take time. Because many women listen to machos.

And the machos of theory research are used to say: "Your ideas are crazy. And you are crazy." Because this is the definition of a macho: somebody who puts others down.

The good news is that the machos do the same also among men. They put other men down. And men listen to machos even more than women do.  Look at the hundreds of people who work on string theory. They are not men, they are sheep. They follow a path with no chance of success. String theorists are a group of machos surrounded by a larger group of sheep. Sheep are those men who do not dare to behave as machos, but secretly admire them.

Indeed, there are almost no women doing string theory. We know why. We do not ride dead horses!

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