10 November 2019

How can we test a Theory of Everything? - The answer of scientists vs that of sect members

How can we test a Theory of Everything? We take the theory at hand and calculate all the fundamental constants of nature, especially
  • the fine structure constant (137.03), 
  • the mass of all particles, as fraction of the Planck mass, 
  • the other constants of the standard model,
  • the constants that describe deviations from the standard model,
  • the cosmological constant, 
  • the constants that describe deviations from general relativity. 
Then we compare the results of our calculation with experiment. 

The answer is clear: that is how any Theory of Everything must be tested. Yes, the fine structure constant comes first. The answer is old. Sommerfeld gave this answer. Eddington gave it. Pauli gave it. Dirac gave it. Feynman gave it. There is no doubt about this answer. Any theory about fundamental physics is tested by its explanation of the fine structure constant and all the other constants.

That is the scientist's path. Of course, as usual in this world, certain researchers disagree. In particular, various theoretical physicists avoid the test with data. And they avoid the test of the fundamental constants. These researchers disagree because something funny is going on in their mind: they want to avoid negative test results.

In many researchers, the avoidance of negative results is so pervasive and so intense that they even start to question the validity of the answer just given. When researchers reach this level, they have chosen another path: they have joined a sect.

The most common sect's name is "We didn't find the TOE ourselves and we will now make it as hard as possible for you, young woman, young man, to find it either: We will confuse your ideas on the way to proceed, confuse your ideas on the aims of the TOE, confuse your ideas on how to test a TOE, lead you astray, discourage you in every step towards a TOE, and ask you permanently to join our sect." Researchers regularly leave science to join this sect. The sect offers many advantages: it provides you with many friends and ensure that you are well paid.

There are many such sects. Several ones have longer credos, more detailed and more specific. The advantages are the same.

The world is funny. But remember: this is satire.


P.S. Let us work for a common goal: no woman should lead such a sect. Ever.

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