23 August 2013

Arkani-Hasleft - after physics, now reality

If you have a job at the IAS in Princeton, and try to do better than Einstein, there are chances that you succeed.

Einstein went there in the 1930s, and did almost nothing. In fact, Einstein went there, searched for a unified field theory along a path that was clearly wrong and at the same time published papers in which he said that no unified field theory was possible. But Einstein had done a few things before.

What does it mean to do better than Einstein at the IAS? First, it means to tell everybody to take your wrong path as well, while knowing that it makes no sense at all to follow it.

On the subject of unification, the IAS has a strange result. The collection of the smartest minds of the US worked together for decades with an output:
This is the second part of what doing "better than Einstein" means at the IAS.

Next time, try a woman.


  1. The issue is Generalization--NOT unification
    Unification is a natural result of Generalization
    SM and GR cannot be unified in their present status
    The first step should be to regularize SM and GR
    Then SM should be generally relativized in the same sense that non-relativistic QM was specially relativized,resulting in Dirac's Equation.
    Near Planck's scale,causality and invariance will probably loose their meaning
    If you know of any person with proper qualifications willing to do graduate studies in this direction,please feel free to inform me

  2. Abraham,

    even string theory regularizes the standard model and general relativity. But it is wrong. There are so many ways to regularize the two theories. Finding the the correct way is another matter.

    1. Clara

      You are totally right
      As a small step,I regularized SR and I am now in the process of formulating an appropriate Lagrangian
      I also regularized the Uncertainty Principle
      Next I intend to regularize Dirac's equation and then I will start confronting GR,first dealing probably with a flat space
      Regularizing SM is a different issue,but as you say,ST is the wrong way
      Maybe I should deal with SM by using the regularized Dirac's equation ,continuing to QFT and arriving at SM
      As I said the finish would be to modify SM such as to comply with a regularized GR


  3. Abraham,

    You regularized special relativity? I hope you are joking. There are no problems in special relativity.

    You regularized the uncertainty principle? I hope you are joking. It has no problems.

    There is only one task: regularizing SM when combined to GR. Other tasks are nonsense. Watch out.

    1. Clara
      When the speed of an elementary particle approaches c,its mass goes to infinity-this is a singularity-namely unphysical
      When the relativistic gamma is properly corrected,the mass of any elementary particle goes to the same finite value (Schiller says it is planck's mass--maybe)
      Next,in the usual Uncertainty Principle ,you can get absolute accuracy in position,with the price of infinite inaccuracy in momentum.
      But in physics there is no absolute accuracy in position because there is minimum length
      So when you correct properly the UP,you get a generalized UP with no zero accuracies and infinite values of anything allowed(ask Schiller)
      So this is what I did and it has been published--just for you to know
      As you can see,life has surprises...
      Schiller has interesting intuitions...


  4. Careful, pproaching c you approach infinity, but you never reach it. There is no singularity. Same result for uncertainty.

    1. Clara

      --First,you never approach infinity by making a finite number of steps(and this is the only thing we humans can do)-so how can anything reach speed=c is a separate question...but it is a fact..
      --Einstein said speed cannot become greater than c-
      he never said speed cannot become c---actually this is what hapenns with neutrinos...speed=c and non-zero mass...and always finite energy..
      --Besides,photons move at speed c and their rest mass is not necessarily zero--please see a recent PRL paper on that
      --Even Schiller says mass of elementary particles cannot become greater than planck's mass but if you do not correct Einstein,you can get any mass no matter how big..
      --So there is a singularity in SR and UP and I regularized them---in an acceptable way--I cannot say it is the only way--I can say it is a simple way and it does the job decently--namely it doesn't change ANYTHING in the present range of physics

