23 December 2010

Weinberg and the Higgs boson

In the December 2010 issue of Scientific American, Weinberg is asked: Does the standard model require the Higgs boson? He answers more or less: [the standard model] requires SU(2) to be broken.

In other words, the standard model does NOT require the Higgs boson. Wow, this is quite a blow to many people, and to their prejudices. Let us see what results all the ongoing experiments will bring us.


  1. I wonder if we can call Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 in [1] asymptotically safe? ;-)

    [1] "On probing small distances in quantum world" at http://groups.google.com/group/qed-reformulation

  2. Sorry, I do not see the figures on that link.

  3. Figures are in the pdf file "On probing small distances in quantum world" amongst other files.

  4. Asymptotic safety is something that plays a role in at distances around 10^-35 m. Your pictures differ from the standard model; so far there is no experimental data showing differences from the standard model!

  5. So you did not notice any difference between 1/r and U(r) at short distances, did you?

  6. Yes, I did note the difference, as I wrote above. If these pictures are meant as analogies for what you conjecture to happen in nature, my comment remains: such ideas differ from the standard model; but so far, there is no experimental data showing differences from the standard model, and thus the conjecture is not really successful.

  7. Thanks, Nemo, for clarifying your attitude. I am not against the SM results but against the way they are currently obtained (via renormalization and IR problem resolving). What I am looking for is a natural short-cut to those results. I think it is possible to achieve with better physical constructions where an essential part of coupling is taken into account exactly - via intrinsically compound entities.
